Stage shows are good for people, but they’re even better for respiratory viruses. In person theater shows are…
- best experienced with an audience close to each other
- best inside a closed environment
- best if there isn’t lots of air circulating
- best if everyone’s having fun and laughing and breathing
- best if we’re not nervous about dangers or being socially irresponsible

The questions I’ve been asking myself are … How do we do this? How do we make shows with the Delta surge? How do we make shows afterwards? I think the answer is that, in most cases, it’s still not time. We need more patience.
I’m currently on an island in the Caribbean doing shows. The case count here is really low. I’m vaccinated. The shows have been okay. They haven’t been riotous, and they haven’t felt communal and tribal, but they’re alright. When I get back to the states, I don’t know if I’ll be doing any gigs in the next months.
I’m very specific with my boundaries. I do believe that my greatest value is as a stage entertainer (in the correct circumstances) but right now, I don’t have that value accessible because of the sitch and my own boundaries and risk threshold. If I didn’t have an unvaccinateable child at home, maybe things would be a little different. This perspective that I have is interesting. I have a chance to take my time and wait until things are right. Right now, things feel very far from right.
I would love herd immunity to happen and for people to just bounce back to amazing live interactions, but I don’t think either of those things will happen. We are trying to keep each other safe, we are careful, and we’re a little scarred.
I’m a little excited to see how entertainment evolves thru all of this, but i’m also bored of not knowing.