Core Creativity

It is infinitely valuable and everyone looks in the wrong place for it.

Creativity is what makes everything worth living for. It’s what keeps humans from being outsourced and automated. It’s the future of our economy. I work with the greatest entertainment companies in the world. When I tell people my career, they often tell me “I’m not creative.” They’re wrong and stupid!

When I talk to people in “creative” careers, they often think the same way – that creativity is a special gift that comes to them. They’re wrong and stupid.

Everyone’s wrong and stupid.

The dictionary’s definition of creativity includes “original ideas” which I don’t believe exist, so Oxford’s a dummy too… whoever they are!

Right, Smart

Creativity is the ability to create. Too often it’s linked to a magical idea of imagination and wonder. If you’re imagining and wondering, you’re not creating… and creating comes from solving problems with a tangible result.

I want a bowl of soup (problem). I open the can, pour it in a bowl, nuke it. I have a bowl of soup (solved). I was creative. I created.

You have the ability to solve problems, you do it every day. Your problem solving brain works great, and your imagination works great too!

99% of stuff sucks

I’ve been watching a lot of Shark Tank. It dawned on me that the successful entrepreneurs have a similar quality to the funnest entertainers in the world: Single-mindedness. They are focused on solving one big problem.

A funny standup comedian decides they want to be a funny standup comedian when they are not a funny comedian. Here are some of the steps that they go thru.

  1. watch standup
  2. write
  3. get on stage
  4. suck
  5. write
  6. suck
  7. get on stage
  8. suck
  9. write
  10. don’t get distracted by trying to impress other comedians
  11. write
  12. get on stage
  13. get some laughs
  14. get on stage
  15. suck
  16. write
  17. don’t get distracted by trying to get some obscure gig
  18. watch what funny comedians do
  19. ask people for help being funnier
  20. write
  21. suck
  22. suck
  23. do okay
  24. get on stage
  25. watch what unfunny comedians do
  26. suck
  27. write
  28. do okay
  29. don’t get distracted by trying to be popular on social media
  30. get on stage

The hardest part of this whole thing is not the sucking, or the writing or the other stuff. It’s the sticking to the one task. That’s one thing that separates the funny comedian from the 99%. The other main thing is setting the goal of being funny.

Everyone’s ready

You or your team don’t need to be right or smart. You don’t need some special imagination or spiritual enlightenment. You basically need a single goal that’s attainable and the patience to attain it.

Scattered is the opposite

It’s similar to an alcoholic hitting rock bottom. Rock bottom is not a universal place for everyone. It’s a point when the sufferer says “this is my main priority and I will sacrifice a lot to solve it. I will even suck, face it, and ask for help.”


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