Do now : stage focus

There’s a book : The Self-made Billionaire Effect. It talks about one of the superpowers of successful people is their ability to be motivated by the big picture; yet do the dumb, small work that’s in front of them.

This is a constant balancing act for all humans.

  1. Make the mission big enough so that it matters.
  2. Let the imagining go, so that we can complete the crucial next step.

In the book, they call this stage focus. It’s the ability to keep attention on the stuff that’s right here right now.

If we, as freelancers, don’t have stage focus, we get into dreaming. When the dreams don’t pay off, we get disappointed. When we get disappointed, we often start side projects / passion projects / procrastination type stuff.

Instead of trying to immediately call the president when we decide to be president, maybe we do some research to see how to be senator.

Stage focus is a great skill.

Working on the next thing is also different from working on busy work. Cleaning my desk can feel very rewarding and comfy when work feels daunting. Stage focus is humble work. It’s also courageous. There’s pressure. There’s effort. There’s discomfort.

We build the skill. Our ability to do stage focus is limitless.

Take Action : think of a simple thing that will have a big impact on your career. Write it down, complete it, put a check mark next to it.


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