Don’t be a FAQup

FAQs became a popular internet thing from the start. Frequently Asked Questions were a way to prioritize web surfers’ most important information and organize it when it didn’t fit into other categories. It was great for some stuff, but it was clunky. Now, it’s even more than clunky. We are used to getting the information we need. We expect people and organizations to give us the info we are seeking immediately.

That’s all we gotta do. Give them the information before they ask. I have a similar distaste for webpages called “about.” I’m on your site to get my questions answered and I’m on your site to find out ABOUT what you’re doing. Give it to me.

When we’re communicating with others in any way (meetings, shows, sites, etc) let’s first think about what they want to hear, then give it to them.

Instead of saying “Are you open on weekends? Yes! We are open on weekends and weekdays.” say “we are open 7 days a week from 9am-2pm”

It’s harder to not FAQ this up, but it’s easier for our audiences.


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