Energy Is Calories + Game

When we want to energize a crowd – move them to move themselves – we need to stir their own inner energy… Or maybe distract them from their own tiredness.

Animals Need Calories

We need to eat enough, and be able to process the food that we eat to have usable energy in our bodies. Usually, we do. Usually we’re good on calories.

Humans Need Game

Our mindsets can make us feel extra tired. Our mindsets help us decide where to put our energy, or make us decide that it’s a time for rest.

If our dear group of people is in rest mode (or anything less than motivated), it’s time to take action. They need the 3 parts of gamifying.

  1. The right amount of challenge
  2. A feeling of control
  3. A worthwhile goal

If we can make a group activity a game in this sense, we can tap into amazing group energy.


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