Comedians can lose confidence. Even in a week, we can feel like we don’t got nothing! Then, we get on stage and we get the first laugh and everything’s back. It’s not just feeling that we’re good. It’s feeling that being good doesn’t matter that much. We are useful. We are serving people.
The key is generosity
- The key to getting unstuck from anything.
- The key to doing something tough.
- The key to not feeling creepy selling ourselves.
If we are useful to others and serving them in our actions, we feel great. We are not being self-centered anymore.
When I am about to talk to a potential client, I might feel completely nervous or I might feel like it’s a waste of time to talk to them. Then, when I ask them questions and learn their situation, often I have something great to offer them that actually helps them a lot. The nervousness disappears.
What’s the first laugh? What’s the little chunk of evidence that shows us our usefulness? Let’s get it quick so that we can serve big!