Good Enough Probably Is(n’t)

Perfectionism vs. Fuckitism : the eternal battle of the black and white thinker.

To be creative we’ve gotta create. To feel fulfilled, we’ve gotta create things we feel are worthy. I call my self a former perfectionist. Perfectionism is a paralyzer. Just churning out crappy work can be equally halting once we lose the fuel of generosity.

Finding when it’s good enough is always a new decision.

To me this is a muscle to be built. By asking for a lot of help and advice from people over time, we start to understand when a certain feeling comes up for us that isn’t accurate.

That perfectionism feeling or… on the opposite side, that dismissive feeling.

I think it’s also great that we learn that we’re never right. We won’t get it out in the optimal (quickest/completest) state and we won’t ever know how close we were.

Sometimes if i’m on my own and I just don’t know, I’ll calculate the hourly rate of how much work and heartache I’m putting into a project and that will give me some clarity about how important is that final tweak.


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