We’re in a new place where companies are finding that remote workers are still working. This can lead to the idea that very remote workers (overseas) can do the job just as well. In some cases they’re right.
As we small business owners and freelancers in entertainment are pitching for gigs we need to not just offer the same stuff to get more money. We need to offer tremendous value to our potential clients. If I’m a video editor, how to I offer more valuable video editing to people than some dude with a super low cost of living? Here are some ideas.
We have built in value by living in the US.
- We were raised with English as our first language
- we understand the language and culture of the United States
- We were raised with great public education
- We know how to connect with other Americans
- We have dependable internet
- We have health
- We have network connections in the united states to solve tangential problems
- We’re in the same time zone
- If location matters at any point, we’re there
- We’re legally on the hook. It’s hard to sue someone in another country
- Familiar feels safer
Taking a moment to consider what all these things might mean to a client can help us explain our value a little better. There are a million more ways we can exploit our ingrained value. It’s not just about “Buying American” There’s more to it than patriotism – although that works too.