24yo Kenny Clark just signed a contract on Saturday for $70 mil. If you want to do that, you need to have value to someone, and be able to convey it.
Clark is a defensive lineman for the Green Bay Packers — one of the top entertainers in the world. What’s his value that’s worth more than $70 million to someone? He helps win games,
- Winning games brings ticket buyers
- Winning games makes people watch on TV
- Winning games sells licensed merch
- More fans, more advertising
If the packers give him money, they will get more money back.
This translates to every entertainment pro
I keep hearing people say that live entertainment is bankrupt right now, but that’s totally not true. Tony Robbins (up to you whether he’s in entertainment or something else) just did an online group program for over 22,000 attendees $700 to $1900 each. There is money in entertainment.
The game is to build three things.
- increase the value we individually bring to people
- increase our understanding of that value
- increase the ability we have to clearly communicate that value
We’re all in the same league and we’re all able to get paid more. Even me ?