It’s easy to get caught up in all the technology of today. I love human advancement! The thing about human advancement that matters is humans. We care about humans. We think like humans. We assume other humans think like humans. We even assume doors think like humans (“that door just shut on me”). We want objects – animate and inanimate – to think the way we do. We want them to have stories.
The promise of technology is to connect us more to humanity, to make humanity better, and to foster more humanity.
When we’re thinking about how to adapt entertainment to the higher-tech world, it isn’t about pushing more tech on people. It’s also not about avoiding or burying tech. It’s about remembering the promise of tech and fulfilling that promise. JJ Abrams is so successful because he uses modern movie making technology to amplify his core interest in people.
No matter how we feel about the aspects of humanity that we see, social media shows us more of humanity.
When we’re letting people know about the entertainment we’re making, or even when we’re making the entertainment, let’s not forget. People are not coming to consume content, production value or the latest software… they’re coming to consume our “souls.”