I saw a guy at a stoplight trying to click his shoes into his bike pedal. I share this story from the limited perspective of me driving by quickly, not knowing the guy, not knowing what his story is. So, this is kind of fan fiction based on a little bit of movement I saw.
Dude does not look like an avid cyclist, but he looked prepared. He had the…
- bike shorts,
- the bike shirt,
- the water bottle,
- the headlight in case he decided to go out at night,
- the fantastic road bike,
- the clip on shoes,
- the bike bag
The story I told myself is this is his second time out with this new plan for fitness – bicycle riding. He bought all the everything. This story that I made up struck me.
This is the trap I get myself into sometimes. I get ready. I get really ready before I start. I don’t even know if I like riding a bike. I spend my time going to several metaphorical bike stores. Comparing equipment online. Talking to experts. Subscribe to cycling monthly and, there I am trying to click my shoe into my pedal.
I hope you know what I mean. I try to think my way through and be completely prepared before I get started so that whoever is watching doesn’t think I was foolhardy. It’s craziness and insecurity and a lot of time wasted.
A story that’s true and is not in my imagination is I’m trying to get people to hire me to make websites because I can make the best entertainer websites they can get. My sites help people get good gigs, so every great entertainer that doesn’t hire me is at a disadvantage. I am doing people a disservice by not letting them know what I have available. Shy is selfish. My brain cleverly turns my shyness into “preparedness” So, instead of just telling someone what’s up, I think about how I need a better portfolio, or a sales plan or gotta buy a CRM or something. It’s really not cool.
Chris Ruggiero, in his book “Just Go” says to “Just Go” — get started before you’re ready. If I get started talking to performers now, I can see patterns, I can get better at communicating, I can learn if other’s see my websites are as good as I believe they are.
I encourage the reader and myself to just go!