Is it right to entertain now?

There’s serious social change happening right now. I can’t believe it how people are coming together for public health and racial equality at the same time. While I haven’t gone silent about these things, I have 90% been digging in to my expertise (entertainment) even though it may seem stupid / empty / selfish at a time like this.

For the world

I don’t believe what I do to be “essential work” but I do believe entertainment is incredibly important for humans. The IRL stage stuff I’ve created now takes its time in the shadows as digital entertainment (movies / TV / video games / socials) get the spotlight. People are also trying to do virtual stage shows which I mostly see as a crappy patch – not a stand-alone form of good entertainment with value.

We need entertainment. It gives us a break, a connection to humanity, and sometimes a reason to live. Performers who own even the most frivolous of acts have powerful missions behind what they do.

For myself

Up until the age of 30, I was probably depressed 50% of the time. A lot of the depressed thoughts were based on failure at so many things that weren’t really in my wheelhouse.

  • feel like a failure for not feeding the hungry
  • feel like a failure for not fighting for my country
  • feel like a failure for not being a politician and stopping wars
  • feel like a failure for not making people happy around me
  • feel like a failure for not dressing cool
  • feel like a failure for not owning a mobile phone store

… and on and on

was relieved by the serenity meditation

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference

What is my realm of influence? Where do I feel important? Which actions that I take make a potent change?

So, personally, I find flow and influence in entertainment. When I’m flowing, I’m doing more. When I’m working within my wheelhouse, I’m making more of an impact.

This is still a question for me every day.

I am not an impactful activist, I’m not a lobbyist, I’m not a political thought leader. I’m good at making clowns funnier.

You don’t want the surgeon being the one to mop the floor. The surgeon needs to save their energy for surgery. At the same time, sometimes the floor isn’t getting mopped fast enough.

I doubt regularly whether leaning into entertainment more is helpful overall. I’m hopeful that what I do continues to be life-affirming to others. I hope my entertainment is bolstering to the first responders, to the activists, to the politicians, the virologists, and the soup kitchen workers.

I’m also hopeful for the impact of the other people of the world who are so good at entertainment. Hopeful that they’ll keep on making great stuff and letting their lights shine — not denying their most powerful role because they think it’s not crucial anymore.

Written for folks who want to attract and energize groups

Scot Nery is an emcee who has helped some of the biggest companies in the world achieve entertainment success. He's on an infinite misson to figure out what draws people in and engages them with powerful moments.

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