Is Our Entertainment Mission Small Enough?

The ultimate mission statement is one that will guide you for life through all your projects, through all your careers, through all the drudgery you need to do to live.

If you haven’t written one, it can be really helpful in tough moments of decision making and at times when you really want to accelerate your impact.

It also gives meaning to the greater work you’re doing in entertainment. This can help prevent burnout on a project.

It doesn’t have to be perfect, it’s just for you, but it’s gotta be massively flexible and it’s gotta be the thing that fulfills you in work.

Hubspot has a good guide to help you get started…

You don’t want it to be too specific that your mission boxes you into only doing one kind of project in 20 years, but you also don’t want it to be too broad so it has no guidance or meaning.

The test for my clients is this.

I propose to them ridiculous ways that their life could go — but ridiculous within their mission and ask if they would be fulfilled doing that thing. If yes, great. If not, it will take a little more specificity.

  • owning a horse ranch
  • running a hospital
  • digging graves

if it fits in your mission, it’s fair game.


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