- Not everyone is suffering. Some people are thriving.
- Same with businesses.
- Business can move fast. Panera created a curbside grocery service at all their stores in 14 days
- People can move slowly. Everyone’s dealing with psychological, geographical, and organizational issues from a quickly changing world. Schedules get changed a lot and that’s okay.
- People are creating entertainment online. A lot of it.
- Most stage performers moved to livestreaming shows, creating on-demand content, social media content, teaching, or writing to make money.
- Many entertainment pros have been digging in to projects they have put off that are maybe truer to their hearts.
- Entertainment screws up when it is approached from “how do we modify what we’ve done?” Instead of “what will the audience experience?”
- In the newly, truly global economy every business needs to niche more than ever.
- Information is not worth very much.
- Conversations are worth a lot.
- Most people feel like frauds. They don’t understand how valuable they are.
- Most people are trying to offer a small part of themselves.
- Most people think they need to convince the world that they’re valuable.
- Making someone smile is incredible
- Zoom entertainment is a different tempo than stage shows and different from TV
- Doing something new means being one of the best in the world instantly.
- Changing context takes a lot of energy.
- People don’t want to ask for help, but they want to be helpful.
- The popular things that can be bought from China will be better every three months.
- Mindsets are usually better to practice than skills.
- When our main project is feeding our mission, we don’t need side projects.
- Turning sales into service is a winning game.
- Turning will-power into generosity is a winning game.
- Turning “am I good enough?” into “what do people need?” is a winning game.
- The biggest gift is taking resposibility