Losing image detail in phones & webcams … fixing wash-out or silhouetting

A common problem for people using automatic cameras (like webcams) is that the details of the subject are lost. The subject appears too dark or too bright. There are a few easy solutions that don’t involve buying a fully manual camera. This applies to faces as well as objects.

The solution: average brightness in a scene

Your camera will try to adjust to the average brightness / darkness of a scene. If a scene is mostly dark, the camera will try to brighten everything up. If the scene is mostly bright, the camera will try to make everything darker.

There is not much light in the background, and the 2s on this card are not showing up well
I just turned on some background lights. the scene is a little brighter and we’re getting a little more detail in the 2s
I opened the window. it’s lighting up the wall more. We can now see all four 2s.
The lighting is the same, but the card is now taking up more of the frame. The scene’s average value is brighter. because of that big white card. Detail is good.
An alternate solution with the same principal. I gave the card a light background without moving it close to the light. with no other background light. The camera adjusts to the big white paper and we’ve got detail.

This works the same way with dark stuff


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