MCing : the relationship with the audience is near paramount

Hosts / emcees are often obstaclized by trying to do the wrong stuff. The problem is that they…

  • are striving to make things go smoothly.
  • try to appear “professional”
  • mimic what they think they’ve seen other hosts do.

If the goal is to make the host look good, the best outcome will be the host will look not terrible. If the goal is to make the experience great for the audience, the host may be almost invisible.

In many situations, i will throw everything under the bus in order to maintain a good relationship with the audience. They need to trust me to lead them forward. If I tell them that the next thing coming up is awesome, they must be right along with me. When I tell them they had a good time, that is a ridiculous thing to tell people. They must 100% be psychically connected to me.

One of my trademark lines from Boobietrap was “This is what fun feels like!” It was true and I needed to say it so that people would recognize it. I could only say it once we were all completely connected and on the same page.


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