Me is Scarce. Scarce is valuable.

We get scared.

We try to show our “good side.”

Other people can provide our “good side”

Since other people can do it, it’s not scarce.

When we do our best work, we’re using our full selves. Using our history of creating art, all our therapy, our relationship with our neighbor, broken fingernail. That’s the fun work and that’s the valuable work. It’s hard for me to believe every time. Just like it’s hard to believe that something’s healthy and tastes good.

When l am hiring people, I’m looking for people that show up fully – people that are willing to give it all. Task people aren’t worth much. Human individuals are worth a lot. Each one is 1 of a kind. There’s no competition.

Take Action : Train your attention

journal one of your favorite moments of creation. write down a list of parts of yourself that went into it.


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