Multi-service Trap

We probably all have more than one thing to offer as entertainment pros. We can offer a small show or a big show; a dirty show or a clean show; a short one or a long one. We have 8 different costume styles.

The multitude is a negative

I am kinda grossed out when a restaurant has too many menu items. There’s no way they’re putting care into each one. It’s either a freezer to fryer situation or they’re doing some majorly careless cooking back there. It’s very likely that when they have a short menu, that each thing is good and they put TLC in it — my fave ingredient.

A performer who does a million things probably doesn’t have a thing they do that really kills.


Picking a specialty and going with it, repeating it, owning it, learning everything about it — that’s good. That’s helpful and gives us an edge if there’s enough work in that specialty.


One way to counter the “Jack-of-all-trades, master of none” syndrome is to harness the power of all the jackiness into one core value.

  • “7 different circus skills to keep up the excitement
  • “we speak 5 different languages, so we can communicate with your audience every time
  • “I’ve performed in every kind of venue, and I know how to always connect with a crowd
  • “We create stunning looks : perfect for any environment”

What’s the thing that makes your multitude a powerful singletude?

I might go to a repairman who can repair anything if I have something very rare that I can’t find a specialist for. I might go to a store that has everything so I don’t have to find the right store. I might go to someone who does a lot of things for advice because they can connect dots that I specialist might not see.


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