If you can’t fail, you can’t succeed.
We are tempted to take safe routes. We’re tempted to do things we know will work okay instead of pursuing things that might work wonderfully. The story of entertainment is a story of risk. Everything that we love is created daringly.
Now, showbiz companies are trying to hedge their bets. People are making stuff based on algorithms. Netflix shows are being written based on stats. I love utilizing technology to examine what works and make something better, but it’s easy to get sidetracked and forget about the power of risk.
Let’s continue to put our necks out. It took us a long time to understand what works, but now let’s find out what works better, or what works better now. Let’s get wild and youthful and rebellious. Let’s bet on ourselves and see if we get in a mess. Being in a prom dress at the 7-Eleven is better than being in a snuggie and crocks anywhere. Nobody comes to us to see us comfortable. They come to us to see what happens when humans dare.
Let’s take risks in our process, in our outreach, and in our end result. It’s heroic to take risks and it’s compelling.