We need to get what we want as entertainment creators. The ultimate thing we want is the opportunity to lead our audience from where they are to a new elevated experience. We can’t lead anyone anywhere if we don’t join them where they are. To get the good stuff, we’ve got to understand our audience. Here are some ideas for getting there quickly.
Experience other entertainment
I have been very baffled by performers who don’t watch other performers, or movie directors who claim to not watch films. If I have the opportunity to check out something similar to what I’m doing, it’s an early Christmas gift to my audience. It’s so awesome for me to get a chance to see stuff through their eyes. It isn’t easy – it’s work – but it’s awesome.
I get to see when I feel cared for, when I feel like something is missing, when I’m bored or excited… and what I walk away discussing with my wife.
Experience the before and after
Standups can watch the comics that are on before them and meet the audience there. Video game designers could think about the experience of getting their game from the app store.
With Scot Nery’s Boobietrap, we put a camera at the entrance. When we watched the video playback the next day, we got to see how people arrive. Some people wait for friends, some people don’t know how to get tickets, some people smoke, some people are early, so they go to some other bar for a drink.
Before that, I didn’t think too deeply about it, but I kinda imagined that people showed up, got their ticket and went inside. The reality was more loose and individual, it helped us think about what we wanted to nurture and serve once they got inside. They don’t fall in line like good audience soldiers ready to do what everyone else does. They need individual activities that bring them from their zone to our zone.
Watch the audience
I’m not much for focus groups, but I love recording a video of the audience at a show. When I make a new website, I like watching someone use it. A million discoveries can be made watching the audience. I guarantee they do not take in entertainment the way we imagine or plan or even remember.