We need to show up. That’s our job as creatives. We need to show up in our power, with our value, and be ready to work.
Our job is not to reject ourselves. That’s the gatekeepers’ job and it’s great. Sometimes we’re tempted to…
- Decide that a job isn’t for us
- Tell the gatekeeper the reasons they might not want to pick us
This is selfish.
This is us trying to protect ourselves. This is not us serving the gatekeeper or anyone the gatekeeper is trying to serve. Let’s show up as our awesome selves. Let’s see what we can do next from our wheelhouse. Let’s move and bring power. Even if we’re not right for a job, bringing our power is inspirational and a relief to the people around us.
I’m not saying to get out there and do everything all the time. I’m saying do the next step in the process if it’s applicable. Test the limits. Maybe it doesn’t feel like we’re exactly right for something but we end up being more right than anyone else. We have trouble seeing our own value sometimes and it needs to be explored. Our imposter syndrome, or our fear of rejection can keep us from stepping up to the plate when the world needs us.