I’m hungry for more showbiz impact! Who wants to help me?
Ever wondered if I’m still hitting the stage with live shows or if Scot Nery’s Boobietrap is making a comeback? I’ve shifted gears to play a bigger game in entertainment. It’s not just about my spotlight anymore; it’s about lighting up the stage for other incredible peeps.
I’m not zigzagging around the world to wow 200 folks over three days, I’m now behind the scenes, hustling to score gigs for three kick-ass entertainers. more smiles per mile
Here are some of the things i can think of that happened over the past year… (names abbreviated for privacy)
- AF : Got a booking connection at the magic castle
- ES : Redid sales technique. Asked 3 times as much as they wanted to
- MP : showed how to pitch. got nearly 3x as much from a repeat client
- NS : doubled bank account in one NYE booking
- ZG : reduced proposal time drastically and lead to better communications which landed a gig
- TW : new website, new photos, new proposal technique that landed a great gig, showed them tools for faster promo material, helped create video content
- NJ : booked a TV appearance
- LS : explored venues, marketing aesthetics, and ticket selling techniques for a residency show
- DW : redone website, brand overhaul, helped them look at themself in a new more valuable way, booked them for a gig, connected them with a potential future gig
- DJ : Helped set up a completely new business that will lead to more performance opportunities and better network connections. New website
- HA : rebrand, website, connection to cruise ships
- DM : connection that led to a US tour
- DC : a new look at sales techniques and help talking to a prospect
- BK : an overhaul of approach that lead to singular focus, more online sales and more members in their subscription group
- AF : renovated website, improved local promotion and networking
- EW : new site, new fliers, rebrand
- MH : new flyers
- LG : new sales techniques and new website critique
- BC : new EPK, rebrand
- ND : new website design and rebrand. Testimonial from a celebrity
- JB : sales advice, branding advice
- MB : new EPK and rebrand, network connections
- MM : new ticket selling / promotion strategy. social content feedback
- CR : rebranding, new website
- TR : logo overhaul, branding and strategy for sales
- SC : Sales techniques, performance feedback, network connections, ad feedback
- CM : Show enhancement, complete stage show aesthetic overhaul, new intro video,
- JC : Team building
- CN : Site overhaul, rebranding, sales consulting, booked them for a gig
- SB : Saved them possibly $100k in a consulting call
- RL : new website in a day, rescued online presence
- SS : helped get the highest grossing day of career, new site design, new brand, new sales, cut out dead work
- AL : helped negotiate biggest contract
- ZG : show enhancement – added a feeling of fulfillment whenever they performed
- TW : Casting for two parties
- AA : rebooked at their fav festival, negotiated 25% more from a repeat client, two new sites
- KB : improved website, negotiated 25% more on top of an already signed contract, design feedback for theater show promo
- DI : now charges 3x more than he wanted before. entered a new market that’s in line with their ethos.
- BN : quit their day job
- TN : new site. rebrand, retooling sales and marketing
- BC : overhauled casting process and organization of contacts
- BL : multiple high profile, high-stakes rapid website changes
- SS : casting
- AM : completely redefined how they saw themself
- AB : Got booked twice, new website
- NB : did a performance
- BB : introduction to crucial contacts at performing arts centers
- RW : casting
- JP : booking connection with dream venue
- CF : show enhancement consultation
- NK : graphic design for high-profile experiencial event
- UU : experiencial design
- ZS : web rescue and new site
- JO : new photos
- NS : 4 new sites and video
- VV : new site
- MH : new headshot
- JK : show enhancement
- SH : website updates and strategy, video editing, kickstarter consulting
- PM : TV pilot concept
- MB : Site overhaul
The show’s still going on… mostly thru zoom crying with my friends – listening to them and helping them thru all the hurdles that lead to their dreams. Bigger and better than ever. Let me know what I can do with you.