The reason tactics don’t work

We jump right into soldier mode and try to find tools that will do our tasks. We want to get a big following on youtube or hire a virtual assistant or signup for some new software.

We are trying to get boots on the ground before we have a battle plan. Before we have a battle plan, we have to know what war we’re in. Before we start a war, we need to know our cause.

No side quests

I’ve said it before, it’s most helpful to focus on one quest. Do one thing because freelancers can’t multitask and we don’t have time for stuff that doesn’t work.

The Cause is ever expansive

the cause can be like “inspire women to create safe environments for children.” there is no limit to how many women we’d like to inspire in this way. Once we inspire 4billion living women, we can inspire future generations of women. We’ll never hit the cap of our cause. It’s not a goal. It’s a vision. It’s the thing that drives us and the thing we’re willing to live for. The cause in the military is something people are willing to die for.

The Project is huge and measurable

We set up a project that is the flitch. it’s the biggest thing we can do right now that will move us forward most effectively on our cause.

The strategy is practical

The strategy defines what we’ll do and why. It’s a decisive budget of resources time, money, passion, network, etc.

The tasks are simple

The tasks just become next steps that are not too hard to define once we know the above stuff.

The tactics are straightforward

If we jump into tactics at the beginning they are exciting. They’re new, they’re quick. They give us instant dopamine rewards. If we do them at the end like this, they’re boring. What’s exciting then? The CAUSE! and it stays exciting. It keeps us on our path. It reminds us why we’re doing the hard work. It is fulfilling. It is fun.


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