The Rockstar doesn’t look like a Rockstar

We misremember

I asked my friend why he wanted to dress so crazy and bring such a planned persona to the stage. He said he wanted to show up like a rock star. I was confused. “In what way?” “What’s a rockstar?” to him a rockstar is someone polished, full of ego, flashy, fearless, an icon of perfection in the realm of boldness.

I can relate to that FEELING of what a rockstar is. The feeling broke down when we had to name rockstars and look at how they are.

Check out this rockstar

Mick is doing an amazing performance of rock and roll! he’s badass. Super charismatic, super energetic. He’s not god-like at all. He’s extremely human. That’s what makes him magnetic. That’s what makes him powerful. That’s how he owned livingrooms and the studio. That’s how he made a career.

This is what a great performer is. We want to see peak humans. We might transform them in our memories to something else. As entertainers, or public speakers, or leaders; this distortion of reality is detrimental to us. It holds us back from letting it all hang out.

That’s the power of a rockstar. They show up fully. They don’t just present a little piece of themselves. They put it all out there and it’s insane to experience.

Take action

Be flawed. Be total. Think about something you TRY to do on stage or in life. Stop trying to do it. Just show up with energy. Watch video of yourself and compare it to what you’re trying to do.


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