Intellectual property is pretty crazy to me. I’m not totally against it as I have been in the past, but it’s a wild world for sure. People can protect and sell a concept over and over again for infinity. What protects their concept is the courts, so lawyers need to be involved for protecting and selling and possibly recovering lost / stolen income.
I have never had anyone steal my services. People pay me for the gigs I do and services are very easy to keep track of.
I am always looking for ways to create more services and serve more people.
If we’re looking at a potential way to sell IP and it doesn’t turn us on, we could instead think of how to make a service. A simple example of this is… “I don’t know how I’m going to sell enough albums to pay for the recording, so instead I’ll sell 50 tickets to a show.”
- Instead of writing books, become a live story teller.
- Instead of pitching acts to a booker and keeping their contact infos secret, sign a contract with the booker and tell them you will find them the acts.
- Instead of selling magic tricks, perform the magic tricks
- Instead of making a guide for D&D and hoping to sell it online, sell an NFT of it