Use Kudos to Show Value

If people like us and talk about us we can use those positive blurbs as kudos. We wanna change our subjective statements objective ones.

Saying “I’m a great yo-yo performer” is subjective, but saying “Jojo Siwa said ‘She’s a great yo-yo performer’” is objective.

Kudos from experts are best, kudos from clones of our prospective buyers are second best, kudos from strangers on the internet is third best.

Experts include…

  • People with a good credit in the wheelhouse of the comment eg “Nearly impossible” Jeff Tuck – Harvard Astrophysicist
  • Famous people usually
  • Press

The purpose of kudos is to prove value. So, if my value is that I provide the ultimate cocktail experience with friends… a better quote

“My gimlet shot out my nose” – Jane Doe

…is better than…

“The kids loved it!” – Tom Cruise

We only need kudos when we need them to fill a gap. It saves a lot of energy if we’re not chasing down every testimonial from every client. If i have 10 perfect kudos, I definitely don’t need one more.

☝️ we had four points we wanted to make. He had two of these quotes. He requested the two others.

☝️ he had worked on a project with David Copperfield

Getting Kudos – how to ask a person 😀


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