WANToberfest … Philanthropic & Accepted & Prudent … The three power-feelings

People want to feel three things. We can help to give them these feelings. Even when these feelings are based on shallow evidence (like we feel accepted when someone compliments our shoes), the feelings are extremely powerful


We want to feel like we’re good for the world. The stuff we do matters. It affects people in a positive way. Maybe we save lives, or maybe we give lives meaning.


We want to know that we have security in our social circles. Our tribe loves us and will stick with us. We will have safety.


We want to feel we make good choices that are cost-effective. Cost includes money, time, energy, health. It hurts me a little bit to get a shot from a doctor and i get healthier. The reward is worth it because I make good choices.

Using this for good

These three are super powerful motivators. People die for this stuff. So, think about how nice it is to give this as a gift to someone. Encourage them. Let them know that you see them the way they want to see themselves. eg…

  1. “everything you do makes people smile” (philanthropic)
  2. “people at the party were all talking about you and how they missed you” (accepted)
  3. “how do you always find the best stuff at Goodwill?!” (prudent)

Take Action: share a big good feeling with someone who inspires you


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