The thing that keeps entertainment peeps going is something generous. A generous mission. Everyone I’ve consulted for has a mission that’s positive stuff for others.
We are never not selfish enough. We can feel the selfishness on a spectrum. It can be a little irritation, a bummer feeling, or can even lead to “stage fright” or “writers block”
When I’m thinking about myself before a show, I’ll peek through the curtain and spot someone I want to entertain. I’ll hang with the audience and empathize with them. They have normal lives and they would love a peak into mine. When I’m writing, I think of someone who could really use the info or the enjoyment.
All we need when we want to generate MORE is to remember others and remember what our work can do for them.
Get the motor started…
Just intentionally thinking up a joke that a friend will like or drawing a doodle for a spouse is a little vitamin boost for the generosity system.